Sunday, August 24, 2008

Goji Berry

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Also known as Chinese wolf berry, Barbary matrimony vine, bocksdorn, Duke of Argyll's tea tree and/or matrimony vine, goji berries are shriveled red berries that look like red raisins.

Goji berries grow on shrubs found in temperate and subtropical regions in China, Mongolia and in the Himalayas in Tibet. They are in the nightshade (Solonaceae) family. Goji berries have a mild tangy taste that is slightly sweet and sour. They have a similar shape and chewy texture as raisins.

In traditional Chinese medicine, goji berries are eaten raw, brewed into a tea, added to Chinese soups, or made into liquid extracts. There are also Goji juice available in markets.

Goji berries are considered super food. In fact, the article titled The 10 best foods you are not eating included goji berries in the list. It was found out that goji berries have plenty of benefits because it has plenty of macronutrients to begin with. It can cure illnesses and diseases which is why the popularity of this fruit has spread the entire world fast.

Many people can attest to the positive changes the goji berries have made in their lives. If you wonder why, buy yourself a goji juice and try it out!

Sources: Wikipedia, About, GojiBerriesBlog


Jaya said...

I'd heard of goji berries before, but I'd never seen what they look like- they are beautiful!

blanne said...

They pretty much look like chilis. But they taste better, sweeter and definitely not spicy. :)

Rachell Ann said...

Thanks for the information you have provided in this post. This is something that can help us very much.

goji berry juice

Gojiberries said...

Your post was very nice.. I have this great stuff to share with you...( for e.g – I recently stumbled upon gojiberries. It is an amazing website which talks about Juice Goji.)

Unknown said...

Really a nice post! I love goji berries. Goji Berries are said to have various benefits to lower the cholesterol levels in the body and improving the circulation levels. These are very beneficial for the heart patients due to the anti cholesterol properties. I just love to drink goji berry juice daily.
Goji berry juice